The world had turned upside down, including the way Indian courts operated, with the start of the pandemic (COVID-19) and the ensuing lockdown. Throughout the lockdown, the courts were operating to consider only urgent cases. Consequently, only cases requiring immediate attention were heard in Indian courts during the lockdown. A Significant Amount Of Cases Are Presently Pending Before Courts At Different Levels, Despite The Legislature Having Adopted Several Strategies In The Past To Reduce The Burden Of Courts. To provide clarification, approximately 64,426 cases were pending before the honorable Supreme Court, and approximately 4.74 million and 36.73 million cases, respectively, were pending before the honorable High Court and honorable District courts across the nation. The aforementioned shortcomings highlight the necessity of turning to a More Advanced Mechanism To Assure Fast And Efficient Dispute Resolution To All.
The world had turned upside down, including the way Indian courts operated, with the start of the pandemic (COVID-19) and the ensuing lockdown. Throughout the lockdown, the courts were operating to consider only urgent cases. Consequently, only cases requiring immediate attention were heard in Indian courts during the lockdown. A Significant Amount Of Cases Are Presently Pending Before Courts At Different Levels, Despite The Legislature Having Adopted Several Strategies In The Past To Reduce The Burden Of Courts. To provide clarification, approximately 64,426 cases were pending before the honorable Supreme Court, and approximately 4.74 million and 36.73 million cases, respectively, were pending before the honorable High Court and honorable District courts across the nation. The aforementioned shortcomings highlight the necessity of turning to a More Advanced Mechanism To Assure Fast And Efficient Dispute Resolution To All.
What is Online Arbitration?
The Arbitration and Conciliation Act (also known as the “A&C Act”) governs arbitration, an alternative dispute resolution procedure.In this procedure, both parties appoint a neutral third party, or arbitrator, to decide the dispute between them. It Provides Excellent Flexibility Since It Encourages “Party Autonomy,” Allowing The Parties To Select The Arbitration Procedure That Best Fits Their Needs. It is Now a Common Clause Found in Most Business Transactions And Agreements. Because this process is time-bound and confidential, multinational corporations adopt it. The arbitrator issues an award at the conclusion of the arbitration that is enforceable much like a court decree.
“Online arbitration” uses technology to improve the efficiency of the arbitration process in several areas. It consists of online pleading and document filing, online document inspection, and other things. Using video conferencing, the hearings and cross-examination of the parties and witnesses take place virtually. In order for the award to be enforceable, the arbitrator issues it by email and provides digital signatures. Additionally, in order for the domestic award to be properly executed and implemented, it must be duly stamped under Indian law. As a result, these online arbitral awards are validated online and accepted in legal proceedings.
WeVaad Is An End-To-End Tech Enabled Platform That Understands The Significance Of Party Autonomy And Confidentiality. By Blending Technology In Its Process, It Aims To Resolve Disputes In A Time-Bound, Cost-Efficient And Confidential Manner. The Process Followed By WeVaad For Arbitration Has Been Provided Below:

Future of Online Dispute Resolution in India
ODR Has Been Making Its Position Within India Steadily. It Has Come Out As A New Ray Of Hope To Lessen The Burden Of Courts And To Assure Effective Remedy To All. There Are Several Startups Functioning In This Space. The Judiciary Has Time And Again Taken Initiatives By Adopting E-Courts Project, E-Filing System And Launching E-ADR Challenges To Support The ODR Start-Ups. The Government Also Launched WeVaad Se Vishwas Scheme To Enhance Resolution Of Tax Matters Via ODR. Indian Policy Makers Have Also Recognized The Potential And Prospects That ODR Could Offer. Niti Aayog Has Recently Published An ODR Handbook That Provides Case Studies Of Enterprises That Have Successfully Implemented ODR. Further, It States That A Widely Implemented ODR Can Add Whooping INR 1,99,000 Crores To The GDP Of The Country By 2025. The Process Becomes More Client-Friendly, Hassle-Free, And Structured In Approach When Technology Is Employed To Conduct Different Modes Of Dispute Resolution, Including Arbitration. Resultantly, It Could Be More Effective, And Promote Ease Of Doing Business And The Enforceability Of Contracts. With A Wider Implementation Of The Same, Parties Will Be Able To Ensure Time Value Of Money In Any Commercial Matter And Courts Will Be Able To Effectively Manage The Increasing Backlog.
WeVaad Employs Online Dispute Resolution To Help Individuals And Businesses In Faster And Cost-Effective Legal Dispute Resolution. Check Our Online Dispute Resolution Offering To Know More.